
Saturday, March 16, 2013

Pre-lap band ponderings - 5 months away - 10 things I'm learning

I've been doing a lot of looking for and reading of blogs by people who have had the lap-band.  I'm learning a lot about the struggles and the mindset it's going to take to be successful.  Here area  few of the things I'm beginning to understand:

1. The band is a tool  - not a miracle cure.

2. I have to work on my food issues now so that when the time comes I can be clear headed about how much and what kind of foods I am going to be able to enjoy.

3. Mental preparation is HUGE HUGE HUGE.   (see #2). It's a good thing in my case that I have to lose at least 30 pounds before surgery so my BMI is below 50. If I do that, I can have outpatient surgery. If I can't, I have to pay some out of pocket.  I can't afford to do that, so I need to work work work.

4. The work I so grudgingly put in now will reap benefits down the road in addition to what I'm getting from it now.  This process is an investment in me and my future. I mean mostly the exercise portion of this.

5. What I do now benefits me as well as the people I love - my son and John.  I want to be around a good long time to live and love both of them, as well as myself.

6. Weighing and measuring is really important.  I have to begin doing that starting today.  No more eyeballing serving sizes.  Creating good habits now will make them seem like normal behaviors when the time comes.

7. I need to clean up my kitchen and organize it so that I can use it to its fullest potential.

8. I need to keep the dining room table clear so we can eat there.

9. I need to stay focused on doing the right things right and forgive myself for the slips but not quit.

10. I have to love ME because I deserve this amazing opportunity.  I am excited for being healthy for the first time in my whole adult life.

Thanks to the people who have written so frankly and bravely about their experiences.  I'm hearing you and working to emulate your successes.


  1. I want to follow your journey (love this list, BTW). Can you add a link to follow you?

    1. Ohhh. Thank you.

      I don't know how to add a follow me thing, but I will figure it out.
